Category: Tips & Tricks

Various tips, tricks, and suggestions that I’ve found helpful over the years.

Beekeeper Support, Home, Tips & Tricks

Gardeners Can Protect Bees

I sometimes get messages from groups asking me to share something they have posted or an event they are hosting that may be of interest to our beekeeping community. Recently I was contacted by Hannah Miller with DIY Gardening because she thought her posting on how gardeners can help bees may be helpful. After taking …

Hive maintenance, Home, Tips & Tricks

Getting Ready for Winter: Wind Control

My bees are on a farmer friend’s property and there’s no natural wind break on the north side of the hives, so I need to do a couple of things to protect them. I can’t erect a wind break because it’ll create obstacles for my farmer that he doesn’t need so I just use Lowe’s …

Hive maintenance, Home, Tips & Tricks

Getting Ready for Winter: Food

In mid-October, we went through hives and moved brood down, food above the brood, and open frames on the far edges of the hive (if there were any empty or mostly empty frames). By mid-October, a lot of the queens were winding down on laying eggs and it wasn’t unusual to see small patches of …

Tips & Tricks

Sugar Shake Reminders

Sometimes when you are getting ready to do a sugar shake, it’s hard to remember exactly how many bees you need to be sampling and what the threshold is. Bee buddy Eliza Hudson helps her students at the Montessori School out by first marking the correct measuring cup with a mark on top (this is …

Tips & Tricks

Notes in the Bee Yard

In July 2013, I attended the NCSBA Summer Conference at Sandhills Community College in Pinehurst/Southern Pines, NC. One of the presentations was by Dr. Larry Connor presenting on Resource Management. Somewhere I have my notes from that conference, but the thing that stuck with me was his discussion about writing on the tops of the hives instead …