Tag: varroa bombs

Hive inspection

Goodbye Purdue Ankle Biters

In previous posts [ here ] and [ here ], I talked about how my Purdue Ankle Biter bees like to rob from dying neighborhood hives that had been infested with varroa mites, and then would bring mites back to their hive where the virulent mites would destroy the hive. I had been doing sugar …

Hive inspection

Varroa Bombs – Take Two

If you saw my post on Varroa Bombs from this spring, you read about how my Purdue hive likes to rob from a neighbor’s hive when they are sick and dying. Well, they did it again. When I did the sugar shake on this hive on June 29th, they had 2/300 varroa mites. On August …

Hive inspection, Musings

Varroa Bombs and Humility

The hardest lessons I get from my bees are ones that teach me humility. Anyone who knows me knows that I can get pretty snarky when it comes to beekeepers who do not use best practices either in exhibiting proper care in working with bees around non-beekeepers or when monitoring the health of their bees. …