The following video is an early morning walk through of the hives at Lazy Creek Apiary. In order of appearance we have: The Purdue Anklebiters The Mountain Bees (Buckfast/Carniolan) first and second generation hives The Swarm Bees (maybe Russian) The Pol-line Bees (VSH Italian) The Hygienic Italian Bees (3rd generation) As always, turn up the …
Category: Hive inspection
Posts related to hive inspections
Varroa Bombs and Humility
The hardest lessons I get from my bees are ones that teach me humility. Anyone who knows me knows that I can get pretty snarky when it comes to beekeepers who do not use best practices either in exhibiting proper care in working with bees around non-beekeepers or when monitoring the health of their bees. …
Swarms, Splits, and New Queens
I never know exactly what I’ll find when I go to the bee yard. My goal today was to see how the splits we made were doing and to check in on the queens in the other hives. I’ve always been interested in nature, but keeping bees in North Carolina has made me super aware …
Hygienic Italian Hive Visit – March 28, 2017
Today I’m checking in on the hygienic italian hive. This hive is 3 medium plus 1 shallow boxes tall. The queen is at least 2 years old and is a 2nd or 3rd generation queen from a hygienic italian queen I got from Tate’s Apiaries about 4 years ago. In this video, I talk about …
Swarm Check and Sugar Shake – Purdue Hive
It’s the 2nd day of spring (March 21) and I’m checking some of my hives for swarm cells. The temperature is 78 degrees at noon, so there’s lots of bee activity in the bee yard. The Purdue hive is my biggest hive so far. It is 8 frame equipment with 1 deep, 2 mediums, and …
After the Spring Freeze
We had over a month of unseasonable warm weather with trees blooming and the bees colony expanding like crazy. Then we got over a week of cold weather again with nights in the high 20s and low 30s. Did the bees make it? Today I’ll find out.