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Beginning Beekeeping 2021

Beginning in February 2021, we held a 9 week online bee class that we recorded. If you weren’t able to attend the program in person, you can still take advantage of the class by signing up to receive access to the recordings and pdfs of the slides I used during the classes.

Here’s what we covered in this class:

  • 9 videos covering the following material:
    • The colony, organization, and life cycle of the honeybee
    • Bee anatomy – just the basics
    • Equipment: What you’ll need and how to assemble it
    • Seasonal hive management: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
    • Pests. predators, and diseases of the bees
    • Harvesting and processing honey, other hive products, pollination
  • Access to our newsletter and the ability to ask questions and be part of a larger bee community.

The book we used for these classes was “The Beekeeper’s Handbook” by Diana Sammataro & Alphonse Avitabile. We used the Fourth Edition but the Fifth Edition is now available. You can order it from Amazon and if you use my link (click on Amazon graphic to the right or click here), I’ll get a small credit from the sale. (Note: the Kindle version doesn’t include graphics or a table of contents.)

Another book that I pull content from is “HoneyBee Biology and Beekeeping” by Dewey Caron with Larry Connor. You can buy this from Wicwas Press here: [ link ]