Chapter Meetings

Forsyth County Beekeepers February Monthly Meeting

Date(s) - 02/03/2018
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Center
1450 Fairchild Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27105


Map link: [ map ]

Jennifer Keller, a Research Specialist in NCSU’s Entomology Program (Dr. Tarpy’s Lab), will present “Do I Need a Queen? Let’s Do the Math.” She will discuss using observations in the hive to determine if you have a laying queen, if your hive just swarmed and there is a virgin queen in there, or if your hive is hopelessly queenless and you should order another queen. She will have different scenarios and pictures to discuss what should be done based on what we know.

Potluck Dinner: 5:30 pm
Meeting & Presentation: 6:30 pm (may start earlier depending on crowd size)

More information about this event: [ FCBA post link ]

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