Category: Hive inspection

Posts related to hive inspections

Hive inspection, Home

What’s New in the Bee Yard?

Nectar Dearth! Whew! Is it almost over? This summer has been a particularly hard summer for my bees in terms of nectar available. Spring was amazing and my bees made more honey that I’ve seen in 14 years. I took some, but left most of it thinking there would be lots for winter. But they’ve …

Hive inspection, Home

How Long Can I Keep Honey?

One of the common questions I get has to do with how long you can keep honey. If it’s kept in a sealed container and not left in the open to absorb moisture, it’ll outlast you! Here’s a great article about it written by Darren Incorvaia. HONEY’S ETERNAL SHELF LIFEThat honey found stored in an …

Hive inspection

Getting Bees Ready for Winter

The temperatures have been down in the 30s at night so once again, it’s time to get the bees ready for winter.  There’s really not a lot to do to get the bees ready.  By now, I’ve removed any unused equipment and have been feeding as much as possible.  I’ll start adding bee fondant to …

Hive inspection

Goodbye Purdue Ankle Biters

In previous posts [ here ] and [ here ], I talked about how my Purdue Ankle Biter bees like to rob from dying neighborhood hives that had been infested with varroa mites, and then would bring mites back to their hive where the virulent mites would destroy the hive. I had been doing sugar …

Hive inspection

Varroa Bombs – Take Two

If you saw my post on Varroa Bombs from this spring, you read about how my Purdue hive likes to rob from a neighbor’s hive when they are sick and dying. Well, they did it again. When I did the sugar shake on this hive on June 29th, they had 2/300 varroa mites. On August …

Hive inspection

Summer Mite Count Checks & Congrats Bobby!

Bobby Byrd is a new beekeeper this year and he just received his NCSBA Master Beekeeper Program Certification. So, congratulations Bobby! Bobby has been working with me quite a bit in the bee yard this spring and today we did sugar shakes on 2 of the 6 hives to check on mite load in the …