The latest from the Bumbling Beekeeper

Our ninth and final class of beginning bee school is this Sunday at 6 pm ET and we'll be talking about products of the hive.  We'll cover things like pulling honey frames from the hive and extracting the honey, labeling requirements for honey, processing wax and propolis along with some common uses of both, collecting pollen and royal jelly, and the benefits of getting stung.

Janice Tate of Tate's Apiaries will be helping me out this class.  Janice and Larry were providers of bees and queens in the Winston-Salem area for many years.  Their Carolina Queens were some of the best around.  These days they are doing less bees, more grandkids, and Janice is keeping busy with some products of the hive that you can see at the website.

As a reminder the zoom link for the class is:

Meeting ID: 831 7503 7632
Passcode: 27455

If you haven't attended classes, you can still come.  It's free.  You can learn more by clicking on the Bee School tab at our site.

This is the last class of this series, but if you'd like to have a special topic covered, please let me know.  Also, check out my website to see what's going on in the hives at any given time and also learn what other bee events are happening under the Events area on the right side of the site.

Thank you to everyone who has attended and/or supported my beeyard (and me over the years!).  I've really enjoyed this class and getting to know new people.  I'm looking forward to hearing your stories in beekeeping.

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The Bumbling Beekeeper
3901 Battleground Avenue #54, Greensboro, NC 27410
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